The South Central Renaissance Conference welcomes 15-20 minute papers on all aspects of Renaissance Studies for its international conference. This year we are, for the first time, holding our conference in coordination with the Saint Louis University 12th Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
Submit 300 to 500 word abstracts on the SLU Symposium Site (accessible via the SCRC website). Deadline December 31, 2024.
To propose a special session, email the program chair (Dr. Sarah Waters) with a proposal for a complete session with all your presenters lined up by December 13, 2024. Lead organizers will then need to ensure all their presenters submit all their abstracts and include (in the lead organizer’s submission) a session description, by December 31, 2024.
A SCRC membership (purchasable online) is required to present and papers cannot be read in abstentia.
Graduate students who are presenting at the conference are encouraged to apply for a graduate travel fellowship to the Vice-President (Prof. Andrew Fleck). Undergraduates must email the complete text of their papers, with a faculty letter of recommendation, to the program chair (Dr. Sarah Waters) by December 13, 2024.
Keynote speakers are Prof. Grace Tiffany (Western Michigan University), Prof. Lynette Bosch (SUNY at Geneseo) and Prof. Heather Hirschfeld (University of Tennessee).