Whatever Happened to Rhetoric?

John Percival 2.01, Cardiff University and online, March 13, 2024 -

Society for Renaissance Studies Annual Welsh Lecture


John Spurr is Professor Emeritus of Early Modern History at Swansea University, where he was Head of  the College of Arts and Humanities until 2020. The author of four monographs, he is an authority on the religion and politics of seventeenth-century Britain. This lecture asks whether the recent ‘rhetorical turn’ in the humanities is just one more twist in the corkscrewed history of how we structure argument and thought. Considering the persistence and mutation of rhetoric in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and beyond, this talk suggests that some surprising literary, philosophical and cultural forms may hark back to the purposes of Renaissance and Classical rhetoric.

Please contact MachielsenJ@cardiff.ac.uk for the link to attend online.


Darlith Flynyddol Cymru Cymdeithas Astudiaethau’r Dadeni


Dydd Mercher 13 Mawrth 2024 am 17:30 Ystafell 2.01 yn Adeilad John Percival, Caerdydd ac ar Zoom (cysylltwch â Machiel-senJ@caerdydd.ac.uk i gael y ddolen)

Mae John Spurr yn Athro Emeritws Hanes Modern Cynnar ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. John oedd Pennaeth Coleg y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau yno tan 2020. Ac yntau wedi ysgrifennu pedwar monograff, mae’n arbenigwr ar grefydd a gwleidyddiaeth Pryd-ain yn yr ail ganrif ar bymtheg. Mae’r ddarlith hon yn gofyn ai un tro arall yn hanes ein ffordd o strwythuro dadl a meddwl yw’r ‘tro rhethregol’ diweddar ym maes y dyniaethau. O ystyried dyfalbarhad rhethreg a’r newid ynddi yn ystod yr ail ganrif ar bymtheg, y ddeunawfed ganrif a thu hwnt, mae’r cyflwyniad hwn yn awgrymu y gallai rhai ffurfiau diwylliannol, athron-yddol a llenyddol annisgwyl fwrw’n ôl at ddibenion rhethreg y Dadeni a rhethreg Glasurol.

Whatever Happened to Rhetoric?
Location: John Percival 2.01, Cardiff University and online
Start Date: March 13, 2024
Start Time: 5:30 pm
Ticket Price: Free