SRS News & Reports
Society for Renaissance Studies: Response to the coronavirus pandemic
During this anxious time, it has been truly heartening to see the myriad of creative and often generous interventions that organisations large and small have made to support scholars and students stuck at home. From publishers and libraries who have opened up collections of journals and books that usually reside behind paywalls, to museums and…
SRS Online Events
Following a successful trial, the SRS is now able to host a series of online events on its website, free of charge. These can take the form of live events or prerecorded activities. Unless speakers request that the event be deleted, it will remain on the website, where it can be watched on catch-up. Only…
Notice of Postponement of Society for Renaissance Studies Conference 2020 to 2021.
It is with great regret that we announce that we have taken the difficult decision to postpone for twelve months this year’s SRS Conference, which was due to take place from July 6-9, 2020. The conference will remain in Norwich, but will now take place on June 29–July 1, 2021 (preceded by the inaugural public…
SRS response to the cancellation of RSA
The Society for Renaissance Studies is naturally very sorry to see that, along with most academic conferences planned for the near future, the Renaissance Society of America has had to cancel their annual meeting in Philadelphia. The RSA is our largest sister organisation, with which we maintain particularly close ties that include exchanging keynote speakers…
Vacancy – Editor for Renaissance Studies
Renaissance Studies is one of the leading journals in the field of Renaissance studies, with an interdisciplinary emphasis, and a worldwide readership. Established in 1987, Renaissance Studies is published in partnership by the Society for Renaissance Studies and Wiley- Blackwell Publishing Ltd. The Council of the Society for Renaissance Studies (SRS) is to appoint an…
New SRS Postdoctoral Fellows Announced (2019-20)
The Fellowships Committee is pleased to announce Helen Newsome and Xiaona Wang as the winners of this year’s Postdoctoral Fellowships Competition (2019-20). Helen will be working on a critical edition of the holograph letters of Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots (1489-1541) and Xiaona’s project is entitled ‘Francis Bacon on attractio and gravitas: Sources, Context, and Later Influence’….
Reflections on SRS2018
Over 230 delegates from all over the world gathered at the University of Sheffield between 3-5 July 2018 for the Society’s eighth biennial conference, some travelling from as far afield as South Korea and Australia, as well as Canada and the USA. The final programme comprised 192 papers delivered over sixty-seven panels, one round-table, four…
#SRS2018 Early Career Researcher Prize
Following the SRS Biennial Conference in Sheffield, Early Career Researchers were invited to submit the papers they presented to the SRS Conference Paper Prize. 44 papers were assessed by fourteen judges. The panels were impressed by the high quality of scholarship and the vibrancy of the research being undertaken by ECRS. The prize of £100…
#SRS2018 as told by you on Twitter
Prize for paper given by an Early Career Researcher at SRS2018
SRS Book Prize 2018: Winner Announced
The 2018 SRS book prize was awarded to Katherine Ibbett for her Compassion’s Edge: Fellow-Feeling and its limits in Early Modern France (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017). One further book was highly commended, Susanna Berger, The Art of Philosophy: Visual Thinking in Europe from the late Renaissance to the early Enlightenment (Princeton University Press, 2017). As…