Museums & Galleries Research Award
To foster research on the Renaissance in the museum, archive and library community, the Society for Renaissance Studies is offering a bursary scheme to enable scholars to develop advanced research in the history of art, material culture, museum studies, and related disciplines, related to the making and collecting of works of arts and objects during the Renaissance period (c.1300-1700), now in museums and galleries. This may include research into new methods of interpreting and communicating the Renaissance, and preference may be given to subjects growing out of a current museum project with a cross-disciplinary approach.
- The closing date for receipt of applications is 1 December.
- Individual Awards are offered to provide financial assistance to undertake original research which may inform a publication, exhibition or display. There will be one application deadline per year.
- Applications will be accepted from members of the Society, regardless of whether they hold a full time academic post, and from applicants at all stages of their careers.
a. Applicants can apply for any amount between £200 and £1000. This award is tenable for a maximum of 12 months; it can only be used for one project.
b. The project must be related to objects or works of arts in museums or galleries, or their interpretation.
c. The following expenses can be claimed, and should be detailed in the budget proposal submitted with the application:
- Travel expenses (if they satisfy the aims of the scheme, and if funds allow).
- Accommodation expenses (up to £80 per night) for periods away from home.
- Subsistence allowance for periods away from home (maximum £25 per day, note that alcohol cannot be claimed for).
- Other, including photographic reproduction rights.
- These bursaries cannot be used to pay for replacement staff to cover the absence of bursary recipients.
Please use the application form on the website and give details of the research planned, its importance, and how the sum will be spent. Submission of invoices/receipts will be needed before any payment can be made. You should provide a clear and detailed account to the Treasurer of how the money has been spent, together with original receipts. Funding must be claimed within 18 months of the date of the award.
Enquiries should be made to the museums and galleries officer, Dr Anna Groundwater via the contact form.
To access the application form for this grant, you need to be a member of the Society for Renaissance Studies.