Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Society for Renaissance Studies invites applications for its Postdoctoral Fellowships, which support research in all aspects of Renaissance studies. There will be two Postdoctoral Fellowships awarded in the academic year 2025-26, with a stipend worth £15,000 each. Applicants should note that the fellowship does not constitute employment by the Society for Renaissance Studies.

Our understanding of ‘Renaissance’ is broad: we welcome applications from all disciplinary backgrounds, and across a wide chronological and geographical spectrum; we also prize innovative approaches to undertaking research. SRS supports the principle that academia cannot reach its full potential unless it can benefit from the talents of all, and so is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. We welcome applications from those who need to work flexible hours or have caring responsibilities.

Applications are assessed on their originality, feasibility, and their contribution to the study of the Renaissance (broadly defined).


  • Applicants must either
    • have been awarded their PhD (from a British or Irish university) no more than five years before 1 October 2025 (not counting periods of parental or carers leave, or absences caused by long-term illness). The date of the PhD award is the date on the official letter from the Graduate School (or equivalent) confirming that the degree has been awarded. It is expected that the applicant's referees will be able to confirm the status of the PhD.
    • have been provisionally awarded their PhD (from a British or Irish university) by 20 April 2025, subject to no more than minor corrections. If awarded the Fellowship, the applicant must submit the official letter from the Graduate School (or equivalent) confirming that the degree has been awarded by 1 October 2025. It is expected that the applicant's referees will be able to confirm the status of the PhD.
  • The SRS Fellows are allowed to hold forms of employment alongside their fellowship provided these do not take up more than the equivalent of three working days a week over the course of the academic year.


  • The period of tenure is twelve months from 1 October 2025.
  • Fellows will become members of the SRS and will be invited to attend meetings of the Society’s Council. The membership fee will be waived for the duration of their fellowship.
  • Fellows will be asked to present their findings at the end of the period of award, and to submit a written report for publication in the Society’s Bulletin.
  • Fellows must name the Society for Renaissance Studies in their affiliation in any publications and conference papers presenting the research.
  • There are no specific residence requirements for successful applicants taking up a Fellowship.

Applicants should complete the online application form below by 30 April 2025. Once submitted, referees will receive a reference request and should submit references by 31 May 2025. It is in the best interest of the applicant to make sure that both references have been uploaded as applications with incomplete references will be rejected automatically

Experiences of, and advice on, applying for an SRS Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Queries should be addressed to the SRS Fellowships Officer: Prof. Joanna Kopaczyk


This page was last updated 30 January 2025.

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Current and Past Fellows